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A dog’s life: What would I sacrifice for the animal I love?

People who have not loved a dog will never experience the most honest, pure and unconditional relationship a human can have. But to love a dog is to sign up for heartbreak. You’ll surely outlive them.

SHAWNA RICHER: ‘A three-year-old Labrador retriever/Border collie rescue, Scout has the ears, short black coat and webbed toes of a black Lab, and the markings, feathery tail and behind, size and temperament of a Border collie. She’s intelligent, athletic, obsessive, sometimes anxious and compulsively protective. I haven’t been in the bathroom alone since the day I brought her home.

People who have not loved a dog will never experience the most honest, pure and unconditional relationship a human can have. But to love a dog is to sign up for heartbreak. You’ll surely outlive them. Accidents occur and illness happens. When you love a dog, you have a say over a life that has a price on it. You know the judgment that comes from loving a pet so much you’d do just about anything for it.

And as I lay on the bed with her in those early morning hours, I wondered how far I would go for her. Was there anything I wouldn’t do? I already knew the answer, but I still wasn’t prepared for what was to come’. SOURCE..


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